18th Jan 2024

While solar setups are still applicable during winter months, depending on your location and the climate, you may or may not be able to use you system during the winter. If you plan on using your solar setup, please click here. If not, then you’re in the right place.

Preparing your solar system for the winter months involves a few steps that will ensure the system remains undamaged and ready to resume its job as soon as spring comes around. These steps may differ slightly depending on the type of solar system you own – but for this article, we’ll be talking about off-grid systems. The main aim is to keep the system in optimal condition during its downtime. Here are the steps to guide you on how to get your solar system ready for winter.

1. Clean the Solar Panels: It's essential to start the winter preparation process by thoroughly cleaning your solar panels. Over time, the panels may accumulate dirt, debris, leaves, and other residues that can affect their performance and longevity. Just some water and a microfiber cloth are all you need to clean the panels.

2. Check Your Battery Health: If your solar system has battery storage, ensure to test its health before winter. Make sure the batteries are fully charged and not showing signs of damage or leaks. They can be disconnected from the solar array and connected to a trickle charge kit to prevent discharge that could occur over time. Additionally, store your batteries in a dry and controlled environment. Batteries exposed to extreme cold may become damaged.

3. Cover Solar Panels: Once you've thoroughly cleaned the panels, consider covering your solar panels to protect them from severe weather conditions. This will also help prevent any sunlight from hitting your panel when not in use.

4. Unplug Inverters: To reduce any unnecessary strain on your system, unplug all solar inverters and controllers. Not only does this save on any residual power loss, but it also gives your inverter a well-deserved break, thus prolonging its lifespan.

5. Secure Mounting Hardware: Snow and wind can wreak havoc on unsecured structures. Check the mounting system for loose nuts and bolts. Make sure your solar panels are secure and won't be damaged by winter winds.

6. Professional Inspection: It’s not required, but it’s always beneficial to have your solar system checked by a professional before the start of winter. A qualified technician will have the tools and experience to diagnose any problems you may have missed and ensure your system is ready for the off-season.

By properly preparing your solar system for winter, you'll increase its lifespan and ensure it's ready to work efficiently when it's needed again. With a little preventative maintenance, your solar panels will be ready to absorb those spring rays and generate green energy. Remember to consult with your solar provider or a licensed technician before performing any work on your solar system to ensure safety and avoid accidentally voiding warranties.

Be Wise, Go Solar!